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Jonathan Roche has run 26 straight Boston Marathons injury-free (his Boston PR is 3:12) and has completed 12 Ironman Triathlons injury-free (his Ironman PR is 9:50).  His goal is to run 50 straight Boston Marathons and he wants to guide you in adopting his injury-free training approach so that you can run for decades but still keep improving your times!

Smart Training

Smart Running involves Smart Training and looking beyond just running miles to improve performance.  Your body is a machine and when you nurture it and treat it correctly it will perform and rarely break down.  

Forget pounding out the miles and beating up your body!  You can actually stay injury-free for decades while still running your best times!  

Let Award-Winning Fitness Expert, 26-time Boston Marathon Finisher, 12-time Ironman Triathlon Finisher and Best-Selling Author Jonathan Roche show you how!

Contact Us

Breakthrough Health, Inc.

357 Gannet Road, Suite 53
Scituate, MA 02066

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